Bothered by Stubborn Fat? Consider SculpSure

Bothered by Stubborn Fat? Consider SculpSure

Bothered by Stubborn Fat? Consider SculpSure

Feb 7th, 2021

No matter how dedicated you are to your diet and exercise plans for weight loss, you might continue to struggle with pockets of stubborn fat in locations around your body. It can be extremely difficult to contour away your last areas of stubborn body fat. That’s where the weight loss specialists at Morris Medical Center of Fort Myers and LaBelle, Florida come in.

Under the leadership of Dareld R. Morris, II, DO, our team can help you finally attain your weight loss and aesthetic goals. We use cutting-edge non-surgical cosmetic treatment procedures, like SculpSure® to finally banish your remaining persistent fat pockets.

Stubborn fat pockets getting in the way of your goals?

Some areas of your body may be especially prone to hanging on to stubborn body fat. You might have love handles you just can’t seem to lose, or belly fat that never seems to fade with healthier lifestyle changes.

Diet and exercise might not ever be sufficient to eliminate these persistent fat pockets alone. But, with treatments like SculpSure, you can give your weight loss process a final, finishing boost. SculpSure isn’t a weight loss surgery, and works best for people who have nearly realized their weight loss goals, and need a last push to complete the body contouring process.

SculpSure is FDA approved to reduce or even eliminate excess fat around your midsection. Extra fat around your middle can be a particular health risk, so it’s worth paying attention to your shape in that area. We can use a single SculpSure treatment session to target multiple areas of concern.

Destroying fat for good

When you lose weight with diet and exercise, your fat cells shrink, changing the appearance of your figure. The SculpSure treatment system works to totally eliminate targeted fat cells, significantly re-shaping your contours in your treatment area.

Because SculpSure treatment completely breaks down the structure and durability of sub-dermal fat cells with safe and effective laser technology, you could experience permanent fat loss by as much as 24% in your treatment areas.

When you come in for an appointment, Dr. Morris uses a precisely directed laser to heat the fat cells underneath the outer layers of your skin. SculpSure won’t affect your skin, but permanently damages sub-dermal fat cells. Your appointment takes less than half an hour, and you won’t need any recovery time after your treatment session.

In the days and weeks after your treatment session, your lymphatic system naturally flushes away the remains of your damaged cells, leaving you with a noticeably trimmer, tighter appearance. Results may vary. Many patients see changes within 6 weeks, while most need up to 12 weeks for full-body contouring results.

To learn more about how SculpSure could help you rid yourself of stubborn pockets of body fat, get in touch with the cosmetic and weight loss experts at Morris Medical Center now. You can book your initial consultation appointment online, or give us a call today.

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